Venture in Antarctica and the Sub-Antarctic Region

Explore with Antarctica21

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Today, Antarctica21 offers unparalleled boutique expeditions in Antarctica and iconic locations of the Sub-Antarctic region. Discover our polar destinations and the expeditions that will ignite your adventure spirit:

visit antarctica with antarctica21

Antarctic Peninsula

Brace yourself for the raw power of the Frozen Continent. Here, massive glaciers calve into frigid seas with thunderous cracks. Navigate ice-choked channels, marveling at countless shades of blue in ancient ice. Encounter wildlife adapted to extreme conditions, from leopard seals to Gentoo penguins. Daily land excursions or Zodiac cruises will bring you face-to-face with this captivating landscape.

Visit Antarctica on the following expeditions:

Penguins in Antarctica

Penguins in Antarctica

South Georgia

This subantarctic island is a wildlife haven unmatched in its density and diversity.
Prepare for sensory overload as you stand amid vast king penguin rookeries, their calls echoing across rocky beaches. Observe fierce elephant seals battling for territory. Learn about Shackleton’s route, gain deep respect for early explorers who navigated these treacherous waters, and step back in time at the abandoned whaling stations, learning about the island’s storied past.

Explore South Georgia on the following expeditions:

A colony of King Penguins in South Georgia. Photography by Ruslan Eliseev.

A colony of King Penguins in South Georgia.

The Falkland Islands

The windswept Falklands (Malvinas) offer a unique blend of natural wonders and frontier culture. Trek across rugged terrain to cliff-top albatross colonies, observing their impressive wingspans up close. Learn about diverse penguin habitats, from Gentoo-covered beaches to rockhopper-dotted crags, and discover an incredible diversity of birds.
Connect with local communities, gaining insight into life at the world’s edge.

Visit the Falklands on the following expedition:

Cormorant birds in the Falklands, Photography by Rodrigo Moraga

Cormorant Birds in the Falklands

Chilean Patagonia

Cruise through the narrow, scenic fords, surrounded by steep cliffs and dense forests, creating a sense of serenity and isolation. Witness nature’s raw power as you cruise past massive glaciers. Spot diverse wildlife, from humpback whales and sea lions to a variety of seabirds, in their natural environment. Uncover the secrets of indigenous cultures that have long called this untamed landscape home.

Explore Patagonia on the following expedition:

patagonia & chilean fjords

Chilean Patagonia, where forests and glaciers meet


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