Antarctic Air-Cruises
Our new vessel's first air-cruise expedition to Antarctica.
Our most popular Antarctic expedition itinerary.
The Polar Circle air-cruise is one of the most adventurous expeditions that we offer.
An introductory and affordable Antarctic experience.
Discover these two distant and beautiful destinations, a true adventure experience.
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Sea Voyages
A wilderness expedition, exploring and sailing between massive blue-hued glaciers and the sharp peaks of the Andes mountains.
Pair a rich adventure experience in the Falklands (Malvinas) with an in-depth visit to South Georgia.
Three wild and scenic destinations in one.
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The planet’s most mysterious place, veiled by an ice sheet that hides nearly all its landscape.

South Georgia
An island of icy peaks and wildlife-rich beaches, South Georgia is home to Antarctic wonders.

Cape Horn
Steep, rocky and impossibly windy, Cape Horn is known as a route of legend.

Patagonia & Chilean Fjords
Blue glaciers, sharp peaks, and wildlife-rich beaches define Patagonia’s untamed landscape.

The Falklands
Set over 300 miles, the Falkland Islands are in the heart of the South Atlantic Ocean.

Official sailing the Antarctic seas during the 2026-27 season.

Small ship custom-built to the latest Polar Code specifications.

Sturdy and nimble, this ship is built for Antarctic expeditions.

High-wing aircraft suited for landings in Antarctica.
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South Georgia
Crescent-shaped South Georgia is an island of mountain tops permanently covered in thick layers of ice and snow and beaches full of Antarctic wildlife.

South Georgia
Rugged, Windswept, And A Wildlife-Rich Destination
The South Atlantic Ocean, southeast of the Falkland Islands, South Georgia rises steeply from the sea. It forms a crescent-shaped landscape abundant in glaciers and sheer, rugged peaks believed to be once part of the greater Andean Mountain range of South America. South Georgia’s expansive and frayed coastline stands stark against the South Atlantic Ocean. Contrasting with the ocean, we see eleven mountain peaks looming above 7,000 feet and an estimated 160 glaciers peppered among them.
Though it appears forbidding, this wayward island set more than 1000 miles east of the tip of South America has won the allure of explorers past and present. Permanently be memorialized, South Georgia is as the land where famed British explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton perished after his first-ever crossing of the island in 1916 following the collapse of his unsuccessful Imperial Trans-Arctic Expedition.
Under British rule since the 1700s—when the famed Captain James Cook first landed on South Georgia and launched its rise as a whaling outpost—the island is host to one of the highest concentrations of wildlife on Earth. It’s estimated 30 million breeding birds call the island home—from 7 million penguins to 250,000 albatrosses—and half of the world’s entire population of southern elephant seals.
Destination Highlights

Shackleton's Legacy
Visit Shackleton’s grave and learn about his survival story.

Rich Wildlife
See large penguin colonies, seals, and seabirds.

Historic Shipwrecks
Explore shipwrecks like the Petrel along the coastline.
Did you know?
Polar and unpredictable, this windswept island has year-round cold temperatures, fro...
Polar and unpredictable, this windswept island has year-round cold temperatures, from 46 °F in January and 32 °F in August. Though the winds can be harsh, the exposed western side of the island receives the most severity in mountain winds. In comparison, Grytviken and King Edward Point on the sheltered eastern side of South Georgia have more pleasant, calm conditions.
Though it’s believed that in 1676 the London merchant Anthony de la Roché was the...
Though it’s believed that in 1676 the London merchant Anthony de la Roché was the first to lay eyes on South Georgia, the renowned explorer Captain James Cook first landed in South Georgia in 1775. Consequently, the island officially fell under British rule. For over a century, the British used it as a base for whaling expeditions.In addition, pioneering explorers by the likes of Ernest Shackleton used it as a base for scientific discovery.
After the British annexed South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in 1908, Argentina made a territorial claim to South Georgia in 1927. As a result, it prompted the Falklands War of 1982 when a group of Argentines posed as merchants and attacked Grytviken. The island was eventually recaptured and occupied by British forces and is currently an overseas territory of the United Kingdom.
South Georgia reigns as the largest in the South Georgia group of islands, eclipsing sev...
South Georgia reigns as the largest in the South Georgia group of islands, eclipsing several remote outcrops and isolated islets. At its highest altitude, South Georgia’s eleven mountain peaks soar nearly 7,000 feet above sea level. They are permanently covered in ice and snow, lending to its estimated 160 glaciers. Above all, the largest of its peaks is Mount Paget, looming at nearly 10,000 feet above sea level. In contrast, the largest glacier is dubbed Fortuna, a tidewater glacier pouring into the mouth of Cumberland Bay.
It’s estimated 30 million birds call the island home—from 7 million penguins to 250,000 albatrosses—and half of the world’s entire population of Southern Elephant seals.
South Georgia is one of the planet’s most extraordinary wildlife havens, supporting an estimated 30 million birds, including around 7 million penguins and 250,000 albatrosses. The island’s beaches and valleys teem with life, from vast colonies of king, gentoo, and macaroni penguins to the aerial displays of wandering albatrosses and other seabirds. South Georgia is also home to half of the world’s entire population of southern elephant seals, which haul out along the shores in great numbers during the breeding season. With its rich biodiversity and dramatic glacial landscapes, the island offers some of the most unforgettable wildlife encounters anywhere in the Southern Ocean.
Wildlife in South Georgia

Gentoo is the largest of all Pygoscelis penguins. It can be easily recognized by the wide white stripe extending like a bonnet across the top of its head and the red bill. Chicks have grey backs with white fronts. They are the fastest underwater swimming penguins, reaching speeds of 36 km/h. They feed mainly on krill, but also on fish and squid. They are the most numerous penguins nesting in the Antarctic region.

This beautiful penguin has a characteristic orange tassels meeting between the eyes that distinguish this species from its slightly smaller relative, the rockhopper penguin. Macaronis nest mainly on Subantarctic islands close to the Antarctic Convergence, and may reach as far south as the Antarctic Peninsula. They lay two eggs at the end of the Austral autumn, the first being larger than the second. Chicks are uniform brownish-grey above and whitish below.

With bright white bellies, tangerine cheeks and bills, and a golden patch parked high on their necks, king penguins are easily spotted not only for their coat and size—they’re only second in stature to the emperor penguin—but also for their dignified, upright posture. With one of the healthiest, populations of penguins in Antarctica, they’re found dispersed throughout most of the region, from the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. These convivial creatures are often seen in immense colonies of up to 200,000, with the entire population estimated at almost 3 million breeding pairs. To keep their great size, king penguins are expert divers, often submerging to 1,000 feet in search of squid, fish, and crustaceans to feed both themselves and their young. Fun fact—mature king penguins look so different from their fluffy, brown-coated chicks they were mistaken as separate species by the continent’s first researchers.

The southern minke whale is a species of minke whale within the suborder of baleen whales. It is the third smallest baleen whale. While it was first scientifically described in the mid-19th century, it wasn’t recognized as a distinct species until the 1990s. Given that it was ignored by the whaling industry due to its small size and low oil yield, the southern minke was able to avoid the fate of other baleen whales and maintained a large population into the 21st century, numbering in the hundreds of thousands. It has survived to become the most abundant baleen whale in the world.

The orca is the largest member of the dolphin family, and it is probably the most easily recognized of all cetaceans. The most obvious feature is the enormous dorsal fin, which is the tallest and most pointed of any cetaceans. In adult males, it may stand two metres in height, while in females and immature males it is more curved and smaller. They have a striking black and white pattern from throat to abdomen, some of their flanks, and an oval blaze behind the eye white, with the rest mainly black. The huge conical head is pointed with a very slightly rounded beak. Males can reach 7 to 9 metres in length and weigh 3.8 to 5.5 tonnes. Females are noticeably smaller in overall body size, reaching 5 to 7.7 metres length.

The cape petrel is an unmistakable medium-sized petrel, with a round head and highly distinctive black and white upperparts and upper wings, smaller than the Antarctic petrel. Its speckled appearance has earned its other common name, pintado, which means ‘painted’ in Spanish. The cape petrel has a circumpolar distribution at sea. It has a wide breeding range from the Antarctic continent to the more southerly Subantarctic islands, where it breeds in November and December in loose colonies on level rocky grounds or gravel, and moderately high cliffs.
- Size: 35-42 cm
- Wing: 24-28 cm
- Wingspan: 80-91 cm
- Weight: 440-500 gr.

The cape petrel is an unmistakable medium-sized petrel, with a round head and highly distinctive black and white upperparts and upper wings, smaller than the Antarctic petrel. Its speckled appearance has earned its other common name, pintado, which means ‘painted’ in Spanish. The cape petrel has a circumpolar distribution at sea. It has a wide breeding range from the Antarctic continent to the more southerly Subantarctic islands, where it breeds in November and December in loose colonies on level rocky grounds or gravel, and moderately high cliffs.
- Size: 35-42 cm
- Wing: 24-28 cm
- Wingspan: 80-91 cm
- Weight: 440-500 gr.

The snowy sheathbill is a medium-sized, plump hen-like, all-white bird. They are not seabirds because, for example, their feet are not webbed, but are in their own family akin to waders. They cannot be mistaken for anything else as they strut and squabble around penguin colonies. They have elaborate courtship displays and are monogamous and permanently pair-bonded species. They feed on intertidal life and on invertebrates.
- Size: 34-40 cm
- Wingspan: 70 cm
- Weight: 400-700 gr.
- Size: 77 cm
- Wing: 32-33 cm
- Weight: 2.5-3 kg

The snowy sheathbill is a medium-sized, plump hen-like, all-white bird. They are not seabirds because, for example, their feet are not webbed, but are in their own family akin to waders. They cannot be mistaken for anything else as they strut and squabble around penguin colonies. They have elaborate courtship displays and are monogamous and permanently pair-bonded species. They feed on intertidal life and on invertebrates.
- Size: 34-40 cm
- Wingspan: 70 cm
- Weight: 400-700 gr.
- Size: 77 cm
- Wing: 32-33 cm
- Weight: 2.5-3 kg

The black-browed albatross is one of the smaller black and white ‘mollymawks’ with a pale head. This albatross can be identified at a distance by its underwing pattern featuring a wide dark leading edge. At close range, the adult birds have a yellow eye that makes identification easy.
- Size: 80-96 cm
- Wing: 50-56 cm
- Wingspan: 210-250 cm
- Weight: 2.9 to 4.6 kg

Explore our full range of expeditions
Antarctica21 operates Fly & Cruise Expeditions to Antarctica and Sea Voyages to the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), South Georgia, and Antarctica. Our trips are boutique wilderness adventures taking you to Antarctica and beyond.
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