Incredible Passenger Moments
When you spend four-to-six months at a time on board traveling to Antarctica, you’re bound to experience some memorable moments.
Learn about some of the exciting and inspiring moments that some of our team members have had with our guests during an Antarctic expedition on board our boutique ships.
Name: Anastasiia Ezhova
Country: Russia
Job Onboard: Shopkeeper, Zodiac Driver
Most of the travelers have amazing life stories. For instance, I was truly impressed by three ladies from the United States who have been pilots of big aircrafts for many years. One of them cried out loud when she saw whales for the first time. Such an emotional moment!
Name: Sarah Merusi
Country: USA
Job Onboard: Quality Manager
We once had a guest from Syria and he believed he was the first person from his country to travel to Antarctica. He had already been to many continents and even most of the 50 States in America. When I asked him why he was traveling, he simply said he was looking for peace. I truly believe he found peace in Antarctica. I’ve never forgotten him and the conversations we had. It’s always amazing to learn the stories of our guests and why they travel. Antarctica brings unique people from all over the world together.
Name: Olle Carlsson
Country: Sweden
Job Onboard: Lecturer and Guide
A special smile to the British ladies who sold their cars to be able to afford a lifetime dream.
Name: Tim Thomas
Country: USA
Job Onboard: Zodiac Driver and Sea Kayak Guide
Sitting in complete stillness on the water, in our sea kayaks, taking in the stillness and vastness of Antarctica. Bubbling over with excitement when we all see a whale breach, or see a leopard seal or orca swim close to our Zodiac!
Name: Hin Ling Estella LEE
Country: from Hong Kong, now lives in New Zealand
Job Onboard: Cultural Host for Chinese Guests
While we were on our way to Antarctica in 1997 as a tourist, our ship was held in a depression for 48 hours. The wind was blowing at 150 km/hr, the waves seemed as high as mountains, the ship rocked at a big angle from side to side. It was scary but I was grateful that I could see the BIG sea in the Drake Passage. It is unforgettable and also the biggest I have ever experienced.
Name: Milagros de Vega Corso
Country: Argentina
Job Onboard: Shopkeeper
Yes! One time a little boy called Dickens started singing Bohemian Rhapsody from Queen in the bar of the ship with Marty, a staff member. It made everybody smile and relax.
Name: Nigel Milius
Country: from England, now lives in New Zealand
Job Onboard: Education Program Coordinator and Lecturer
There are many! The excitement of having whales (of any species) close around the zodiacs on a windless, blue-sky day anywhere is always special. The reaction of travelers is always incredible and whilst it’s happened a few times, I think our job is to make anyone who experiences it realise what a great thing it is! Sometimes on trips that aim to cross the Antarctic Circle ice gets in the way and it can be touch and go whether we’ll reach the magic line or not. The suspense and excitement have gotten contagious on more than one occasion!
Name: Krystle Wright
Country: Australia
Job Onboard: Zodiac Driver and Media Coordinator
There was one particular moment that stands out in Neko Harbor. There were three Minke whales that were playing around in the bay and I was cruising slowly nearby. I began to turn the Zodiac slowly and thankfully the Minke whales were curious and playful and decided to follow us. For a few minutes, we had three Minke whales swimming and weaving beneath us where they would breach in front of the Zodiac and blow spray all over the passengers. It truly was an awe-inspiring moment!

Download the Ultimate Guide
This essential guide includes:
- Insider information on flights to Antarctica
- The pros and cons of sailing and flying to Antarctica
- Weather information and detailed flight statistics
- Expert tips to consider before booking
Doing research for your trip? You can’t miss this guide!
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